Shooting of new Assamese romantic feature film Bhal Pabo Najanilu (ভাল পাব নাজানিলো) is going on full swing. The film is directed by Rhituraj Dutta under the banner of Rhiturong Multimedia. With this film Rhituraj is entering the world of Assamese feature film. We wish him good luck in his new journey
Shooting of some songs took place in verious scenic locations of Sikkim and Kolkata.
The production house has created a facebook page to promote the film.
Here is the link to it.
The film is expected to release in the second half of this year.
Here is the link to it.
The film is expected to release in the second half of this year.
Some on location still images of the film:
Song "Hopunor Tulikai" picturized in Sikkim |
Song "Ura Marenu Keni" picturized on Kolkata |
Song "Ura Marenu Keni" |
All d best
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